Unit4 Announces New Corporate Social Responsibility Program
Unit4, a cloud leader in enterprise software for services organizations, today announced its new corporate social responsibility (CSR) program focused on building an inclusive and sustainable society for its employees, customers and partners. Reflecting the people-first approach Unit4 lives by every day, its approach strongly aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals - the world's best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030.
Unit4 is committed to creating social impact, globally and locally by:
Equipping youth and workers with the relevant skills for financial success and in the digital economy
Engaging in preventative healthcare, promoting wellbeing and physical initiatives
Reducing carbon footprint and encouraging sustainable consumption
Unit4 dedicates 1% of its time to giving back, enabling all employees to take 3 days a year to engage in community activities of their choice. During the month of October, Unit4’s Act4Good program is organizing more than 20 volunteering and fundraising initiatives worldwide (in 10 countries), from environmental clean-ups, and tree-planting events to food drives, and supporting nonprofits around the world.
Unit4 is committed to helping young people unlock the value of learning and skill development in those regions that have been marginalized. The company is partnering with iamtheCODE, the first African-led global movement to mobilize governments, the private sector, philanthropic foundations, investors and civil society to advance STEAMED (Science, Technology, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Design) education. Unit4 will support their initiatives with donations, volunteering and mentoring.
iamtheCODE aims to enable 1 million young women and girl coders by 2030. Through technology and digital literacy training, they are tackling the current global STEAMED (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Arts and Design) skills shortage in marginalized communities.
We are delighted to partner with Unit4. Their ‘people first’ ethos, deep-rooted heritage in the tech industry and their alignment to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals is vital, and our partnership offers multiple ways of collaboration.
Lady Mariéme Jamme
Founder of iamtheCODE
Lady Mariéme Jamme, Founder of iamtheCODE, Vanguard of the United Sustainable Development Goals, and keynote speaker at Unit4’s global virtual event Experience4U, said: “We are delighted to partner with Unit4. Their ‘people first’ ethos, deep-rooted heritage in the tech industry and their alignment to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals is vital, and our partnership offers multiple ways of collaboration. Their contribution will help us drive urgent change for girls from refugee camps and give them access to much needed basic supplies such as content but also access to computers and internet data.”
Unit4 will make use of its virtual event, Experience4U, this week as a platform to advocate for iamtheCODE’s mission, mobilizing attendees around this important cause. Unit4 will also donate to iamtheCODE via a Twitter challenge, pledging a donation for tweets containing the hashtag #experience4U.
Mike Ettling, CEO at Unit4, said: “I personally feel very passionate and am totally committed to ensuring that as a company Unit4 does all that it can to assist young women to grow up to have a bright future, and help them leverage the power of technology and improve their digital literacy. I strongly believe in iamtheCODE’s mission and want to help it achieve its goal of empowering millions of girl coders who will join technology companies in the future I look forward to a long and fruitful partnership.”
Related resources:
Join Experience4U to hear from Lady Mariéme Jamme
Learn and Donate to iamtheCODE.org
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Press Contact
Lisa Stassoulli
Global Communications Manager
[email protected]
+44 (0)7870 916827